Investigation of Tehran city indicators in the field of vulnerability threat
Session 2 – Decentralized Municipal Wastewater Management
Session 2 – Decentralized Municipal Wastewater Management

Session 2 – Decentralized Municipal Wastewater Management

The second session of the series of urban water restoration sessions with the support of Pooyesh experts, entrepreneurs and producers in Tehran

The second session of the series of symposiums on urban water restoration with the subject of decentralized municipal wastewater management was held on March 1, 2017 in the conference hall of the Spinas Hotel with the participation of activists in the field of water and urban environment.

The names of the participants are as follows:

Head of Urban Livability Think TankSeyed Oveis Torabi
Head of Water and Soil office of the Department of EnvironmentAli Moridi
Member and secretary of the Engineering Services Committee of the Central Council of the Building Engineering System Organization of the Country and Tehran City Council AdvisorAli Tabarestani
Professor at the Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Tehran and Tehran City Council AdvisorAlireza Nabi Bidhendi
Head of Technical Affairs, Civil Engineering & Standardization & Crisis Management Department, Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center Alireza Noori
Board Chairman of Amatis Rabin Consulting EngineersShahram Hashemi Marghzar
Deputy of Environment and Sustainable Development, Municipality of TehranSaeid Ahmari
Rahim Tabar Construction Group ManagerKambiz Rahimtabar
Chairman of the Professional Association of Lighting and IlluminationAmirmasoud Faraz
Board Chairman of Directors of the Association of Agricultural Machinery ManufacturersHamidreza Nami
Managing Director of Abnie Paydar Sabz CompanyReza Mastouri
Economic activist, Shemiranat Economic Activists AssociationAsghar Hashem Forouzan
High Council of EntrepreneursAmin Shakeri
Chairman of the hvac associationAhmad Bostanchi
Professor of Sharif University of TechnologySeyed Mehdi Borghei
Professor of Shahid Beheshti UniversitySeyed Hossein Heshemi
Member of Board of Directors of Tehran Construction Engineering OrganizationBijan Khatibi
Chairman of the Board of Steel StructuresSaeid Zare Haghighi
Chairman of Tehran Fire Safety and Engineering Companies AssociationMojtaba Hajati
Head of Urban Services and Environment Department, Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center Reza Bayat
Urban Planning Committee of Tehran City Council Seyed Hadi Hosseini
Contract Manager of BroadcastingMehdi Kazemian

In the studies of the last 10 years regarding the livability of Tehran, we see the traditional path of economic growth and the safe limit of environmental degradation has been rejected. This session was held with the aim of finding a solution to existing challenges such as social anomalies, waste, density, water scarcity and land subsidence and answer to the question that what measures are needed to become a livable city in the future?

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