Investigation of Tehran city indicators in the field of vulnerability threat
Branded Building
Branded Building

Branded Building

Branded buildings as the flagship of the construction industry leadership in developed cities can direct the social and economic capital of the private sector to recreate the city in the form of a city with sustainable and livable development.

Branded buildings are residential, office or commercial buildings that have been able to integrate compliance with the criteria of “comfort, quality of construction, energy management, crisis management, waste management, social and environmental responsibility and urban economy” in different stages of planning, design, implementation and operation.

Branded building means

Waste management in Building-scale and minimize output waste from building

Waste management is started from the architecture of units and buildings in order to be able to separate waste at the source and by completing the processes in the design and operation of the building, reacts to recycle of recyclable part of the waste. In this way, a small amount of dry waste is delivered to recycling facilities.

On-site wastewater management and complete water recycling at the building scale

Wastewater management begins with complete circuit of gray water and black water in the building design. Gray water falls in to an independent circuit to supply water to the fire-fighting tank and flush tank toilets. Black water is used in a separate circuit with on-site wastewater treatment as wastewater and the desired standard is used for landscape water use, building washing, laundry and irrigation of the building green space. Additional treated wastewater is delivered to Tehran Municipality to irrigate green space or feed urban river valleys.

Crisis management (earthquake and fire) at the building scale

The design of Branded building is sensitive to the demolition and vibration zone of Tehran’s main faults, and while avoiding building in the fault demolition zone, seismic retrofitting considerations against acceleration of more than 0.35 are applied. Also, the necessary accesses for emergency relief and rescue in times of crisis are provided due to the passages around the building. Remote and field maneuvers are designed and implemented to reduce the risk of danger in times of crisis at the building scale.

On-site Stormwater management

The design and construction of the Branded building increases permeability of the building grounds and prevents creation of additional impervious surfaces. In this way, the branded building, while increasing the infiltration of snow and rain water into the site, helps to feed the groundwater aquifers and reduce flooding caused by urban runoff.

Leading in respecting the neighbors rights

The branded building reduces the negative consequences for the neighbors during the construction period, by using construction management. In this way, by benefiting from new technologies and using the current processes in construction management, while regarding the neighbors’ night comfort, it acts in compliance with the permissible limit of noise pollution in the place. In this way, the branded building prevents air pollution in the area, as well as damage to roads and urban infrastructure in the neighborhood of construction site.

Leading in observance of altitude system and texture permeability

The design of the branded building is sensitive to the synoptic aerodynamic flow and local winds in the city and regards the altitude system of urban construction in order to prevent obstruction of wind flow and the trapping of air pollutants. The branded building also creates a permeable texture to allow a layer of wind to flow through the urban physical body and accelerate cleaning of polluted air.

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